Client engagement review
- To help participants to apply decision-making concepts to improve specific pieces of client communication.
- To increase the chance that client communications are read, understood and trusted.
- To better influence clients to take appropriate actions, such as to become a client, to complete the advice process, to implement advice, to agree to receive on-going advice, etc.
What you get
- Detailed written feedback on specific pieces of client communication (SOAs, emails, reports, web sites, etc) including identifying relevant pscyhological issues in the way the information is presented and suggesting alternatives.
- A workshop discussion of the feedback to allow the issues to be understood and alternative approaches to be discussed and explored.
What you don't get
- A lecture about the need to always keep it simple. (Sometimes you need to convey complex information and concepts).
- Told that there is only one right way. (Sometimes there are trade-offs to be made, for example).
Review up to 15 pages
Written feedback + 3hr workshop
Price: $7k + GST
Review up to 50 pages
Written feedback + 5hr workshop
Price: $10k + GST