Individual coaching sessions
- To help super fund employees from across different teams to apply behavioural finance concepts to specific member engagement-related scenarios or projects that are relevant for them.
- Participants might be from leadership teams/trustee boards, operations teams, technology teams, data/analytics teams, legal/compliance/regulatory teams, etc.
What you get
- A series of four 1-on-1 coaching sessions (to be held in person or digitally).
Projects/scenarios could include
- Leadership teams/trustee boards allocating budget for a new project: assessing whether it is likely to improve member outcomes (in order to avoid allocating resources to projects that sound plausible but that, because they are poorly aligned with member behaviours and decision-making, are likely to fail.)
- Operations teams improving a process: identifying and removing frictions and complexities in the process that can result in members failing to make the right decisions and failing to take the necessary actions to achieve their desired retirment outcomes.
- Technology teams creating a digital tool or user interface: enabling effective member engagement by embedding nudges that align with members achieving their desired retirement outcomes.
- Data/analytics teams supporting a campaign: providing the data and analytics to support member engagement via effective personalisation, segmentation and experimentation.
- Legal/compliance/governance teams reviewing a document: finding innovative ways to support member outcomes while satisfying relevant legal constraints.
What you don't get
- Specialist legal/regulatory, technological or governance knowledge. You and your team are assumed to be expert on these things. The coaching sessions are focussed on applying psychological insights about member behaviour.
Team members
4 x 1-hour coaching sessions
Price: $6k + GST
Prior to each coaching session participants will be asked to provide a summary of their project/scenario.
Senior leaders/trustees
4 x 1-hour coaching sessions
Price: $8k + GST
Prior to each coaching session participants will be asked to provide a summary of their project/scenario.